Friday, April 30, 2010

Day Six

Wednesday, October 21st

We started the morning off by having a small clinic in the living room of Yasa's house. People knew where we were staying, so they came to the house in the morning before we left to set up our second clinic.

This is how we traveled the back of trucks with our supplies!

Kirk, Kristen, & Robbie

Terry, Linda, & Alicia

We drove about 15 minutes away to a Lisu village, Ring Long, and set up our clinic in the church there. Once again, there were many people waiting for us when we arrived to set up.

We saw many women & children at this clinic. We also saw a few of people, both young & old, that had fatty tumors that we removed. It was also a full day clinic and we saw about 200 people!

We learned that some Thai people eat bitter nut, which turns their teeth black. They think it is beautiful & loved when we took their picture!

It rained the afternoon of our clinic, but stopped just as we were leaving. So, we had to stand the whole ride home...
It started raining about halfway back...we were soaked!

For supper this night, Deb, Linda, & Alicia made spaghetti. Mary asked us what kind of meat to put in the sauce & Linda told her ground beef. When they went to the market to get the meat, they found no ground beef. So, they bought a beef roast & chopped the whole thing by hand! It was the finest ground beef we'd seen!

At church that night, Robbie, Kristen, & Alicia gave their testimonies.

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